The General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS) is a general ab initio quantum chemistry package.
If results obtained with GAMESS are published in the scientific literature, I will reference the program from the article M.W.Schmidt, K.K.Baldridge, J.A.Boatz, S.T.Elbert, M.S.Gordon, J.H.Jensen, S.Koseki, N.Matsunaga, K.A.Nguyen, S.J.Su, T.L.Windus, M.Dupuis, J.A.Montgomery J. Comput. Chem. 14, 1347-1363 (1993). Using specific methods included in GAMESS may require citing additional articles, as described in the manual. I agree to honor the request to cite additional papers, as appropriate.
Vous devez donc respecter ces conditions si vous utilisez des résultats obtenus avec GAMESS
Plusieurs paramètres peuvent être réglés uniquement lors de la phase de compilation de GAMESS.
set MAXCPUS = 16 set MAXNODES = 256
Les paramètres de taille max modificables sont :
MXATM = max number of ab initio atoms MXAO = max number of basis functions MXGSH = max number of Gaussians per shell MXSH = max number of symmetry unique shells MXGTOT= max number of symmetry unique Gaussians MXRT = max number of MCSCF/CI states MXFRG = max number of effective fragment potentials MXDFG = max number of different effective fragments MXPT = max number of points in any one term of any EFP MXFGPT= maximum storage for all EFPs, and is sized for a large number of EFPs with a small number of points (solvent applications), or a smaller number of EFPs with many points (biochemistry). MXSP = max number of spheres (sfera) in PCM MXTS = max number of tesserae in PCM MXABC = max number of A,B,C matrices in the COSMO algorithm. The default value of 6000 allows the construction of cavities for roughly 150 to 200 atoms.
La version 00
de Gamess a été compilée avec les paramètres suivants (valeurs par défaut) :
MXATM=2000 MXAO=8192 MXGSH=30 MXSH=5000 MXGTOT=20000 MXRT=100 MXFRG=1050 MXDFG=5 MXPT=2000 MXFGPT=12000 MXSP=0 MXABC=6000
Si vous avez besoin de systèmes plus grands, donnez-nous les valeurs adaptées.
Une fois l'environnement chargé, le binaire s'appelle gamess.<build>.x